
Ways to Give Leave a Legacy

<p>Leave a Legacy</p>

Leave a Gift That Helps Children and Women

A donation to Texas Children’s through your will or other long-term financial plans helps us provide care for generations to come. Whatever your personal financial situation, there is a gift arrangement that helps you meet your philanthropic goals and the families we serve.  

Popular Legacy Options

Wills and Living Trusts

A gift in your will or living trust, also known as a bequest, is a simple, popular way to provide long-term support for Texas Children’s Hospital. If you are already creating or updating your plan, the process of including a charitable bequest is easy. Even if your bequest is the only addition to an existing plan, drafting a codicil is far less costly than a new estate plan. You can leave a specific asset, a sum certain, a percentage of your estate or the residual; i.e., whatever remains of your estate after you have provided for loved ones. This simple, flexible option helps us continue our work for years to come. 

Designate Us as a Beneficiary

Designate Texas Children’s as a beneficiary of your retirement plan, life insurance policy, donor advised fund or other financial accounts, and all or a portion of these assets will be distributed to the hospital after your passing. 

Gifts that Provide You Income

Charitable gift annuities and charitable remainder trusts are two arrangements that provide you with income and tax savings while making a life-changing difference for children, women and families for years to come. 

More Ways to Give

Interested in qualified charitable distributions through your IRA, gifts of real estate or donor advised funds? We are here to help you fulfill your philanthropic goals while making a life-changing difference for children and women.

Is Texas Children's Already Included in Your Estate Plans?

Please let us know by completing our Contact Us form and we will send you a simple and confidential Estate Gift Intention form. We would be honored to convey our gratitude, ensure your intentions are honored and invite you to join the J.S. and Lillie Abercrombie Legacy Society.