
Our SOAR Team includes multiple medical and non-medical providers who work closely with our TCH physicians, as well as each infant’s own general pediatrician, to ensure appropriate coordination of each infant’s care, following their discharge from the NICU.

This clinic functions as a consultant Multi-disciplinary sub-specialty clinic service. Our current providers include: two High Risk pediatricians (who work in concert with each infant’s own general pediatrician to help facilitate and coordinate each infant’s care), a Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician, two pediatric Pulmonologists, a pediatric Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation physician, a pediatric Neurologist, two Occupational Therapists, three Physical Therapists, two Speech Language Pathologists, a Registered Dietician, a Lactation specialist, and NICU Nursing support.

Our High Risk pediatricians work closely with our Developmental Behavioral Pediatrician to track each infant’s growth and development at every visit. Each infant will complete a formal developmental assessment at specified time points, unless earlier concerns arise.

You and your little one have already overcome so much to get to this point and we recognize that there are likely several additional hurdles you have yet to overcome. Our desire is to support you and your little one in any way we can. We appreciate your continued trust in the care and services you receive here at TCH and we are thrilled to have the opportunity to serve you through our SOAR Program.  

Our SOAR Team is ready to help your little one rise to new heights, spread his/her little wings, and SOAR!


Your SOAR Team