
Duncan NRI Patients and Families

For millions of people suffering from neurological diseases and for the people who love them, hope for a normal life often seems remote. The researchers at the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute are committed to giving children and adults with neurological diseases the opportunity to enjoy life without compromise by offering hope for new treatments. The groundbreaking research conducted at the Duncan NRI is undertaken with one primary goal: to overcome the effects of neurological disease by discovering new and better treatment options for those who suffer its effects.

"With this Institute, we're going to provide a quality and level of basic scientific research that will be unparalleled in any other children's hospital in Texas, in the United States, and maybe even the world."

Mark A. Wallace

CEO,Texas Children's Hospital

Bench to Bedside Care: Inside the Jan and Dan Duncan Neurological Research Institute (NRI)

Families' Stories

Our research is motivated by the everyday struggles — and inspiring strength — of real people living with neurological disorders.

Treatment Programs

Each year, Texas Children's Blue Bird Circle Clinic for Pediatric Neurology cares for more than 10,000 children from all over the world.

Clinical Collaboration

The leadership of Dr. Gary D. Clark is helping children from around the world receive support, care, and effective treatments.