
Transition Medicine

Adult Providers

Adult providers are key to advancing transition medicine. Welcoming pediatric patients into your practice for the first time is a critical part of the transition process, especially for those patients with complex medical histories.

Coordinating a successful handoff with the patient’s pediatric team in advance will create a solid foundation for a productive and healthy patient/physician relationship.

From identifying staff within your practice who are interested in caring for patients with complex medical conditions, to developing a formal orientation process for patients, GotTransition.org lists several ways to prepare your office for a productive transition. In addition, the American College of Physicians has an online toolkit which focuses on providing a framework for effective transitions specifically for adult care clinicians.

Adult providers are encouraged to join the transition medicine community by participating in a Transition Medicine Summit at Texas Children’s Hospital. The summits provide an opportunity for clinicians to connect with pediatric teams and begin developing a transition process for your patient population.

To learn more about the Transition Medicine Program at Texas Children’s Hospital, please contact TransitionMed@texaschildrens.org.